Sunday, February 24, 2013

Eggs, Football, and Pigeons


I'm not really sure if I have enough excitement from this weekend to fill up a whole post, but I've gotten on this "posting every three days" kick, so I figured I'd hate to break my streak... haha. 

      Friday, I only had one class, and it didn't start until three, so I had the morning free to finish up homework and what not. We slept until 10 or so, and then Olivia and I made brunch. We are perfecting the "egg-in-a-hole" recipe...Basically, you take a piece of bread, cut a circle out of the middle, and then fry the egg inside of the toast. It's really good! (Also, notice that I have been eating a lot of eggs on this trip. haha. They are cheap and easy to make.) Before class, I heard a strange noise outside my window. I didn't think much of until I remembered that I'm on the 14th floor...When I looked out my window I saw a protest march going on outside. There was huge group of people carrying flags and posters down the road, escorted by police cars. Im not positive what the march was for, but a few of us did some news research and have some guesses. Our class even got out 30 mins early on Friday, making for an early start to our weekend! By this time, however, it was almost five, so our tummies were rumbling again. However, Friday was my friend Anna's birthday and we were all going out to dinner later that night. Olivia and I stopped by a pizza place on the way home for something to tie us over. We decided to split a personal pizza, and it was my first "european pizza." It was pretty good, but I'm still holding out for Italy's... Also, on Friday, when we did go out, I had my first meat pie!! It was delicious, and I'm now an official fan. Later that night, my friend Hope came to my room and we chatted and surfed the internet until it was time for bed. OH! A few of us also bought tickets to another show! WOO! (also, sorry this whole day revolves around food...)

     Saturday morning, our whole class got to go to a football match! (football, as in soccer). I really didn't know what to expect of the game....especially because it was so cold. But I layered and layered, and then when I got there, I was so into the game that I forgot about the weather! The game was just so exciting! I'd never been to a professional soccer game before, but it is so fast pace and intense! At 58 seconds until halftime, Olivia and I decided to beat the rush and go on to the bathroom and grab Hot chocolate to warm us up. Of course, in those 58 seconds, the one and only goal of the game was was so ridiculous, we just laughed. The final score was 1-0, Fulham. They were the ones we liked the best anyways, so we were happy to celebrate their victory...even if we missed their goal....haha. We all went back to our apartments (after a very round about route on a bus) and had some left overs for dinner. Then my friend Mary and I hung out and finished most of our homework for the weekend. 

       Today is Sunday which means one thing...Hillsong! We meant some great people while we were there who invited us to go out to lunch with them. Apparently this is a thing that the people we met do every Sunday, so hopefully it will become a habit for us to. We went to this restaurant around the corner and filled up the entire second floor. My table had me, Olivia, Hope, Monica, and Connor (all centre students), two ghanians, a singaporean, a german, a scottish guy, and a polish guy. Only one person at our table was actually born in England. I just thought that that was so cool! It reflected the diversity of the city and validated that London truly is a global hub. What a cool experience! This evening Mary and I headed to Notting Hill for a meeting with our government professor. He had to meet with each group to give us information on our first project. We were each assigned two constituencies and we have to visit and research each of them, and then analyze their voting patterns. One of our constituencies is a very wealth part of London, while the other is very poor. I think it will be interesting to compare to two starkly different regions. Plus, he had a cool apartment with a funky lime green rug (which was kinda bizarre?) and a very very sweet puppy. 

Now Olivia and I are trying to learn Italian (and also Luxembourgish?) on YouTube...hey, why not?

Things I've Learned:
1. I do not like pigeons. They are fearless birds who land on soccer fields, fly into Tube trains, and scare me everyday...haha. I am attempting to make peace...I'll keep you posted on the development of our relationship...
2. If you leave something plugged into the kitchen outlets for too long, you're converter will pop and no longer work...whoops.
3. British Students go to college virtually free
4. The Circle Line is not a reliable form of transportation of the weekends
5. This summer, I will be an RA at Governor's Scholars Program!

Love from London,


(also, sorry there are no pictures...I only took a few this weekend, but they are still on my camera. I will put them up soon!)

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